Ringing in the New Year

It's nearly 2013... only 2 days away!  Just wanted to say that I am grateful for much this year.  My family, friends, health, loved ones.

I'll fly home to see my dad in a few weeks, so that's exciting.  I've learned to love to stay home, read, bake, cook, spend time with my animals.  I've taken a lot of fun trips with my friends.  Hoping for more next year, possibly a trip to Barcelona to visit my friend Kalin before she moves back home to Seattle after living there for almost 3 years!  That will be exciting!

So anyway, I don't have any personal pictures I've taken to post and share with you... I only have a list of my "favorite things" as I was perusing the websites this past week... enjoy!  HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A VERY HAPPY 2013 TO EVERYONE!

Will write and post new pictures next year!
