Hey Fancy, and Non Fancy people.
I just returned from a very stressful, strange, fun, exhausting, and productive (thank goodness) work trip. What made it all those things? Rushing out of your house to catch your flight, only to realize halfway to the airport you forgot your ID, SUCKS. I was so busy prepping Penelope's overnight stay bag, food and snacks for her, food and snacks for the dog, laundry, making sure the Cat had arrangements for someone to come feed/check on her, giving instructions to your extremely selfish sister who is checking her Facebook and updating her profile picture while you are giving her instructions on what to do while you are away... is a lot of fun. So I grabbed everything I needed, ran out of the house and basically almost threw myself out of the window (since it was dead stop traffic in this horrible LA commute, I would have maybe just gotten a scrape) when I realized I forgot my ID.
I made it to NY though, Monday late night never the less.
OUTFIT DAY ONE (after that, I went naked to work. JK, i freaking forgot to document... what an amazing blogger I am right? Sorry, I was preoccupied). :)
Met my amazing friends for dinner, they pushed the dinner plans back for me (how sweet are they... a group of 7 girls). I show up in my "airport" clothes (AKA pajamas). It was a great restaurant actually.
Bowery Meat Company

. We all hadn't seen each other in a really long while, so I made a rule that we each take 30 min (give or take) to go around and give us ALL the 411 on what's going on in your life. There's just nothing worse than telling the same story 7 times separately to 7 different friends, and then we also wouldn't all be able to catch up if we conversed amongst ourselves. I know, it was a very "school teacher" thing of me to do, but it worked! Now I know what's going on, I also like to live vicariously through other peoples lives. This is us.
Bowery Meat Company
. We all hadn't seen each other in a really long while, so I made a rule that we each take 30 min (give or take) to go around and give us ALL the 411 on what's going on in your life. There's just nothing worse than telling the same story 7 times separately to 7 different friends, and then we also wouldn't all be able to catch up if we conversed amongst ourselves. I know, it was a very "school teacher" thing of me to do, but it worked! Now I know what's going on, I also like to live vicariously through other peoples lives. This is us.
MY ROOM HAD AN NESPRESSO COFFEE MAKER. The best little gift in the world. Caffeine

Current Events that happened while I was traveling.
Current Events that happened while I was traveling.
David Bowie passed away of Kidney Cancer on Jan. 10th. He lived in Manhattan NY. I remember watching Labyrinth over and over again as a child. He had two children, and was married to the amazing Iman. Rest in Peace, David. Cancer is awful. It scared me because they said he fought it for 18 months. That's not very long if you tell someone that's all the time they have to live.
My Dad had Kidney Cancer, and thank God he was able to recover from the surgery, with NO SIGN of cancer, it was gone. They removed the entire tumor (the size of a cantaloupe) out of him, without it spreading. So thankful. But also so sad for the people who lose their loved ones to a disease that just eats you alive. I pray they find a cure one day.
Let's see, what other current events... OH...
The Golden Globes that I completely missed on TV, and just caught the recap on the plane. It just reminded me that I have no idea what movies are out , and what they are about. I have a long list of movies I want to see now.
THE HATEFUL EIGHT (i love me a good Quentin Tarantino Film)
And I guess I missed national Hat day today. *I F-ing Hate "National" days. Everyday is a special day now, I don't get who makes this shit up.
This trip ...
I did some spontaneous things in NY this trip, that I never have before. And I don't regret a thing. Sometimes, you just have to take chances. I'm happy to report that I had a great time, was out of my mind crazy for doing it, but I've always loved the crazies. Cheers to the crazies.
My NY fav outfit.
My NY fav outfit.
I came home, Penelope was so happy to see me. She ran to me with open arms. Wouldn't stop smiling and hugging me. She couldn't believe I was home. Amelie (my dog), also attacked me, licking my face to death, while I was hugging Penelope the whole time, as if to say "what about me, I missed you the most!". My aunt made amazing Pozole, I stayed for dinner. When it came time to leave, I went to put PJ's on Pea. For some reason, that girl FREAKS OUT when I put clothes on her. She threw a tantrum like you wouldn't believe (well, you actually would if you've seen me deal with these crazy "terrible two" tantrums she throws). It lasted , oh... about 45 minutes of her screaming at the top of her head, turning bright red, trying to rip off her diaper, and rip off her shirt like the incredible hulk. She almost succeeded. She did also cry and scream so hard, that she projectile vomited some solid curdled cheese (her milk in her belly), all over me. After I cleaned up her vomit, I changed her into her PJ's (she's still screaming and kicking), tried to comfort her but I'm telling you... read about it, look it up. It's a thing. The Terrible two tantrums. I just put her in the car (that took 20 minutes), and after she was done arching her back so I could buckle her in. She fell asleep 2.5 seconds after I started the car and headed home. So you can imagine, I just landed from an exhausting work trip, I go to pick up Pea, and she's already thrown up on me.
Next I come home, and clean out the kitty litter (more shit). Since poor S'mores was home alone for 5 days while I was in NY.
I'm now just getting ready to jump in the shower, and possibly read a book in bed after I post this blog.
All I want to do this weekend is binge watch Netflix. But, alas... I cannot. As I am too busy loving up on this beautiful cool girl.
I will however, be binge listening to new music my friends recommended and introduced me to this week while i was away. Michelle reminded me how much I LOOOOVE Grimes (seriously so good). And a darling boy I met , introduced me to a band called Snowden.
Tomorrow is a girlfriends birthday. I am supposed to find a sitter to watch Pea while I go out. But honestly... I can't leave her, I just got home from being gone for 5 days (another example of mother guilt). I think I'll stay home and just spend quality time with her. (P.S. I ended up going... next post will update you. :)).
So tired guys. I still didn't sleep even though I was in NY...you'd think I would take advantage of being away from Pea. Nope, No sleep for me. Sleep is overrated I guess. Speaking of... there's that Show "Sleep no More" in New York, it's playing again. I think I'd like to see it again.
Okay, night boo's.
No photo's tonight, my computer is being SUPER WEIRD. Not letting me upload pics. You'll see them tomorrow. xo (UPDATED W/ PHOTO'S NOW. :)).
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